Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ten Reason Why I'm Happy

Thelma sent me a birthday card. It was very nice. At the end she wrote. "Write a blog already. (I know, I know, you're busy.)"

So this blog is for Thelma. I am really good at writing scattered, theme less blogs that go everywhere. I have a lot to write about so this might be like that, but I'm going to try to give this blog a theme even if it's broad. Here it is;

Things I'm happy about

1) Spring has sprung around here. When I say that I mean there is no longer snow on our back porch and the sun is shining. That's good enough for me. I was just jumping on the trampoline!

2) I have an awesome cell phone.

3) I have unlimited texting on my phone so all you adoring fans out there can text me. Call my mom to get my number.

4)I am going swimming. . .outside. (well kind of) Our family is taking the Activity Day girls to 12-mile. This afternoon. For those of you who aren't familiar with 12-mile, it's a little hot springs 12 miles from Wells.

5) We got a Wii! It has Wii Fit on it. It is good exercise and is really fun.

6) I have finally lost a pound! I have been working and working on losing weight. I think the Wii is helping me!

7) It's Spring Break!

8) I got makeup and for my birthday that I love. I have a great beauty consultant. It's Jennifer! I recommend her to you all. (not that you need a beauty consultant)

9) Our band (and choir!) concert is in six days! I'm really excited. . . and nervous.

10) I FINALLY wrote a blog! I'm sorry I don't write much. Read Thelma's blog if you want more posts. Plus it's really fun to read!

11) There is just one thing I'm sad about. Pictures won't work on our computer right now. I can't figure it out. Neither can Desi or Dad.

It's ok though. The good things definitely outweigh the bad things.


Thelma said...

Hooray! I'm glad you wrote. I don't know how to text. Thanks for bringing up a bad subject. I think you'll love the Wii fit. Have you tried yoga? I love it. I also love the obstacle course. I tried the strength training exercises and some of them are hard. (For me...I mean YOU can text so they may be easy for you.) Enjoy the last of your spring break!!!


Hannah Stevenson said...

I'm jealous about the Wii...someday! I hope spring comes soon. It snowed here the other day and it has been SO cold.

Britta and Julia said...

We have a Wii too. we love it,but we don't have Wii fit.....someday... it sounds cool.
I'm glad you have more happy things in your life than bad.
Have a good day!