Sunday, January 18, 2009

. . . but first we have to clean for five minutes. The Evil Plot

My mom has this sneaky way to get us to clean the house. It's an evil plot. First she finds us. (We might be on the trampoline, reading a book, playing a game, watching a movie, or doing some nice, FUN activity.)

She that we can come for a snack, or come for dessert, or come to play Dutch Blitz, or come and to read in our book. Those are all nice FUN activity. She never says come clean for five minutes.

Well, we never notice that it is a evil plot to get us to clean. We just happily come. Well that is when Mom says, "Look at this nice dessert. " or "Think about how fun it will be to play Dutch Blitz". Then she says it. We can do that . . .

. . . but first we have to clean for five minutes.

That's when we remember, "Oh ya, she always does that. Why can't we remember! We could save ourselves from being victims of the evil plot. "

It is a sad time. We are forced to clean for five minutes.

Maybe everyone who reads this should join together and try to stop this evil plot forever.



Thelma said...

Clarissa this is really funny. I hope you're having a good day at school.

Olivia Cobian said...

I'll join you to end the evil plot . . . but first you have to clean for five minutes!